Here’s the latest update of my OC Transpo service and ridership dashboard, based on numbers shared at today’s Transit Commission meeting.
Everybody’s anxious to know if the federal government return to office mandate has affected ridership. Full data is not yet available for September but there are some encouraging indicators.
Fare sales in September 2024 compared to September 2023:
Adult, Senior, EquiPass and Community Pass sales combined are up 24%
Revenue from single-ride fares is up 27%
More post-secondary students are eligible for U-Pass
Ridership in September 2024 compared to September 2023:
Weekday bus boardings are up 4%
Weekday O-Train Line 1 boardings are up 11%
Para Transpo ridership is up 14%
The number of vehicles parked at park-and-ride lots is up 12%
Here’s the rest of the data released today.
Line 2/4 testing data
The other numbers we’re watching closely come from Line 2/4 trial running. It’s one of the final stages of testing and preparation before OC Transpo can open the lines for passenger service. Test scores are posted every day at 3:00pm at
TransitNext has to achieve on-time performance of 98.5% over a 14-day rolling average. “On time” means the train arrival and departures at terminus stations must be within 30 seconds of the scheduled time. That’s a very small window for error: With 359 measured departures each day, that means there’s a tolerance for no more than 5 late trains per day.
After three days of test reports, TransNext has an average score of 99.3%. A pass, so far.